"If the God you believe in as an idea doesn’t start showing up in what happens to you in your own life, you have as much cause for concern as if the God you don’t believe in as an idea does start showing up. It is absolutely crucial, therefore, to keep in constant touch with what is going on in your own life’s story and to pay close attention to what is going on in the stories of others’ lives. If God is present anywhere, it is in those stories that God is present. If God is not present in those stories, then they are scarcely worth telling." ~ Frederick Buechner

06 August 2012

Weekend Catch-Up

Weekends are delightfully filled with family outings, especially when the weather cooperates.

We got to sleep in on Saturday morning, on account of Little B going to bed a little bit later than usual the previous night. Deciding to have breakfast at the farmers' market, we all got dressed and headed out the door quickly so we could have our morning adventure before the temperatures reached the promised 90+ degrees.

I made myself some iced coffee to bring along. I was glad I did, because even at nine o'clock, we were already beginning to feel the muggy heat of August. And it was a nice treat to have to accompany our breakfast sandwiches made with fresh meat and eggs on English muffins by Lewis Waite Farm.

Each Saturday, there is a local musician or band that provides music at the market. This week, it was Running the River, and Little B sure enjoyed the fiddling beats! He sat in his elephant stroller, nibbling on a blueberry scone from Linda's Country Kitchen, bobbing his little head to the folksy music.

We stocked up on veggies (kale, lettuce, onions, scapes) before popping over to the library so I could pick up my stack of books on reserve. This month, my literary goal is to catch up on Newbery Medal winners from the past decade that I've missed. (If you'd like to see my book list from this year so far, you can find it here and last year's here.)

After a great family nap-time, we attended a birthday party for one of Little B's buddies. Carter used to live across the way from us, but he and his family moved at the beginning of the summer. It was fun to see their new house and to celebrate his first birthday. As over-stated as it is, children truly to make the months seem to fly by. When our family first moved in here, Jessica was about seven months pregnant with Carter. And now he's one!
Carter had a "Bubbles" party.
Even the little grasshoppers on the cake were blowing bubbles!
And the party favors were a big bottle of bubbles and a homemade crayon roll with "bubbly" fabric for each small guest.
Adam, Carter, Little B, and Leslie
Once we got home, there was only one way to deal with the heat.

Joy Dare Catch-Up

Saturday: 3 Gifts Sitting

Mine were: breaking fast with strangers sharing a picnic table at the farmers' market, make-believe with toddlers on a playroom floor, anticipating the weekly gift of sharing a church pew with my husband as we worship Abba together

Sunday: 3 Gifts Outside, Inside, Upside-down

Mine were: RAIN!, weekend naps, and memories of Sunday afternoons at the pool with friends

Today: 3 Gifts in Water

Mine are: Raspberries in iced lemon water, giggling son in pool, rainbow suds in dishwater

What are yours? 

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